What Doctors Say

Dr. Joseph Mercola (DO) 1954 –

“In 1989, the eminent American scientist Linus Pauling and his associate Matthias Rath MD, unlocked a medical mystery . . . Then in 1991, Linus Pauling invented a non-prescription cure . . . Heart patients using the Pauling Therapy routinely avoid angioplasty and open heart surgery. Not by lowering cholesterol, but by attacking the root cause. Rapid recovery has been the rule, not the exception . . . there are no known adverse side effects.”  
Dr. Mercola serves on the Advisory Boards of the Nutrition for Optimal Health Association, the Pottinger Nutrition Foundation, and the Weston A. Price Foundation. He is also a member in good standing of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, Association of American Physicans and Surgeons, and the American Academy of Neural Therapy. He is published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, British Medical Journal, Canadian Medical Journal, Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, The Townsend Letter, as well as many other medical journals.  He has been interviewed on national and local news including ABC’s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, CNN, CBS, NBC and ABC local news shows, and dozens of nationally broadcast radio shows.

Dr. Robert Fulton Cathcart III (MD) 1932 – 2007

Dr. Cathcart calls the mainstream medical community’s refusal to accept the nutritional cause and cure of heart disease along with its refusal to fund further research into the Pauling Therapy . . .
(emphasis and color of text by Dr. Cathcart)
Dr. Cathcart is published in The Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association, Medical Tribune, Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, Medical Hypothesis, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, and many other medical journals.  His research is mentioned in 14 medical books, including How to Live Longer and Feel Better, by Dr. Linus Pauling.  Dr. Pauling wrote an article entitled, “Robert Fulton Cathcart, III, M.D.: An Orthomolecular Physician”, which was published in The Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine Newsletter. [1978 (Fall); 1(4): 1-3].  During his long career, Dr. Cathcart successfully treated over 30,000 patients with nutritional therapy.

Dr. Terezia Fauszt (MD)

“In my opinion, an arterial cleansing program provides the most benefits when it’s combined with the so-called Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease.  Two-time Nobel laureate, Dr. Linus Pauling and his colleague, Dr. Matthias Rath, advocated taking large quantities of one of the most potent antioxidants, Vitamin C, with the amino acids L-lysine and L-proline for the prevention and reversal of heart disease.”
Dr. Fauszt is a practicing cardiologist.  She is both a faculty member of and medical advisor for the Global Institute for Alternative Medicine.

Dr. Michael Lam (MD)

“If you have a high lipoprotein(a), the only way to bring it down is with the Pauling Therapy.”
Dr. Lam is the Director of Medical Education at the Academy of Anti-Aging Research (USA), a Certified Nutritional Consultant, a Diplomat of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, and is recognized as an expert in nutritional medicine.  He has published over 50 scientific articles and 2 books on nutritional medicine.

Dr. Ron Kennedy (MD) 1943 –

“Dr. Linus Pauling (PhD) and Dr. Matthias Rath (MD) have come up with a comprehensive explanation of the cause, prevention, and treatment of vascular disease which I find rational and compelling. Rath has done seminal research at the University of Hamburg and has published twelve papers in respected research journals on the subject of vascular disease. Pauling did similar research at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine (LPI). I have reviewed their work and concluded that what they have to say is critically important. The best part of their discoveries is that they provide effective action anyone can take to both prevent and treat vascular disease in a powerful way by natural means without relying on Draconian changes in diet and lifestyle or dangerous drugs which lower cholesterol but do nothing to decrease overall mortality.”

Dr. Kennedy is Board Certified in Psychiatry and Neurology and has 41 years of experience treating patients at his Clinic in Santa Rosa, California.

Dr. Andrew W. Saul (PhD) 1955 –

“Medical doctors ignore vitamin research, claiming it isn’t science. They also typically ignore case histories, saying it isn’t research. So why not take the information directly to the people, and let them decide for themselves? … Most Americans fail to eat the US RDA for several vitamins and minerals. Supplements are not the problem; they are the solution. Malnutrition is the problem.”

One of Dr. Saul’s undergraduate students came to his office. Don was 21 and suffering from severe heart arrhythmia. All his doctors could offer was drugs and/or surgery. Dr. Saul suggested nutrition: Daily doses of 2000 mg Vitamin C; 2,000 mg of flaxseed oil; 2,000 mg Calcium (in four divided doses); 1,000 mg Magnesium (also in divided doses); two B-complex supplements; one multivitamin; and 1600 IU Vitamin E (natural mixed tocopherols). In a follow-up visit Don said he was, “Great … No sign of any heart problem at all … I haven’t had an attack since I started the vitamins.”

Dr. Saul entered university at the age of 15. After study at the Australian National University and the Canberra Hospital, he received his Bachelor of Science from SUNY Brockport at age 19. He then did graduate work at the University of Ghana, Legon, West Africa, and also at the Brigham Hospital in Boston. Shortly thereafter, he began lecturing on the history of nutrition research and vitamin therapy, and was in private practice as a consultant for the next 35 years. He earned a Master of Science in 1989. Saul taught nutrition for nine years for the State University of New York, and clinical nutrition for New York Chiropractic College. He completed his PhD in Ethology (behavioral biology) in 1995. Saul served as a columnist for the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine beginning in 2002, Contributing Editor from 2003-2006 and Assistant Editor from 2006-2010. He remains on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine and of Orthomoleculair magazine (Netherlands). Saul testified before the Parliament of Canada in 2005 on behalf of the safety of nutrition therapy. That same year, he founded the free-access, peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and has served as Editor-In-Chief for over 135 issues. In 2006, Psychology Today named Saul as one of seven natural health pioneers. He has authored or co-authored fourteen books, including four with Abram Hoffer. Saul is currently Editor of Basic Health Publications’ popular Vitamin Cure book series, with over a dozen titles in print or in progress. Saul was inducted into the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame in 2013. His world famous, free-access educational website is peer reviewed and the largest non-commercial natural health resource on the internet. His expertise in the clinical use of nutrition to cure disease is so well know that medical doctors refuse to debate him.

Dr. Ferid Murad (MD, PhD) 1936 –

“Treatment with exercise and a diet rich in vitamins, anti-oxidants, and amino acids is important to the many patients prone to develop heart attacks or stroke.”

Dr. Murad is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at George Washington University. In 1998 he won a Nobel Prize in Medicine for helping to discover how nitric oxide signals the smooth muscle in arteries causing them to dilate.

Dr. Abram Hoffer (MD, PhD) 1917 – 2009

“Vitamin D deficiency plays a role in causing seventeen varieties of cancer, as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, and periodontal disease … I am ninety years old and I have been taking Vitamin C for over 50 years, and I plan to stay on it forevermore. It has been good to my patients but not so good for my practice – my patients get well too fast.”

A medical researcher, Dr. Hoffer partnered with 2 other researchers, Dr. James Stephen and Dr. Rudolf Altschul and discovered that high doses of niacin will lower cholesterol. High dose niacin has since become a treatment option for individuals with high cholesterol and related blood lipid abnormalities.

Dr. Hans A. Nieper (MD) 1928–1998

“…an important symptom of coronary insufficiency … is potassium depletion … Aspartate therapy is effective also when the serum potassium concentration is not lower than normal … The pain of angina pectoris subsided almost completely after aspartate therapy.”

Dr. Neiper, was a well-known innovator of Active Mineral Transport, the use of specific amino acid chelators to deliver minerals to specific sites in the body. He identified aspartate and orotate as active mineral transport chelators, providing unprecedented rates of mineral absorption and yielding unique therapeutic benefits. Nieper combined potassium, magnesium and calcium to treat cardiovascular diseases. Dr. Neiper served as the Director of Medicine at Silbersee Hospital in Hanover, Germany and for the German Society for Medical Tumor Treatment. He also ran his own clinic in Hanover for many years.

Dr. Frederick R. Klenner (MD) 1907 – 1984

“I have never seen a patient that Vitamin C would not benefit.”

“Some physicians would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) because, in their finite minds, it exists only as a vitamin.”

Dr. Klenner was the first physician to use Vitamin C to cure diseases. In the early 1940s he consistently cured chicken pox, measles, mumps, tetanus and polio with huge doses of Vitamin C (vaccines were not available for these illnesses in the 1940’s). He used Vitamin C to routinely cure a total of 27 different diseases, including, atherosclerosis, for over forty years in his family medical practice. He published 28 medical research papers. He inspired Linus Pauling and Irwin Stone to expand their research on the wider benefits of Vitamin C.

Dr. Julian Whitaker (MD) 1944 –

“First-line treatment for heart disease is almost always medication, but they often fail to improve patients’ overall health. Heart patients are often pushed into unnecessary angioplasty or bypass surgery, yet for the vast majority of patients, they are completely unwarranted. We believe that the best treatments for heart disease are natural therapies that address the underlying causes of cardiovascular disease. The cornerstone of our protocol is nutritional supplementation. Antioxidants, B-complex vitamins, magnesium, fish oil, coenzyme Q10, and other nutrients play specific, well-studied roles in the treatment and prevention of heart disease. We are usually able to help our patients get off their prescription drugs. For example, niacin and other supplements safely lower cholesterol as effectively as statin drugs. Coenzyme Q10 addresses heart failure far better than any prescription medication. Other nutritional protocols help lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, protect against cardiac arrhythmias, and strengthen the heart. As a result, our patients have the potential of actually reversing this condition.”

Dr. Whitaker earned his MD from Emory University. He completed his surgical internship at Grady Memorial Hospital and continued at the University of California in San Francisco in orthopedic surgery. During his residency, an encounter with a young patient inspired him to begin researching nutritional supplements and other natural therapies ignored by medical schools. His emerging conviction that natural therapies held more potential for restoring health and preventing disease than did conventional medicine eventually led him to redirect his career into alternative medicine. In 1974, along with four other doctors and two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Whitaker founded the California Orthomolecular Medical Society. In 1976, he joined the staff at the Pritikin Longevity Center, and in 1979 he founded the Whitaker Wellness Institute. Today, Whitaker Wellness is the largest alternative medicine clinic in the United States and has served more than 40,000 patients since opening. Dr. Whitaker continues to see patients and to advocate for your right to use natural therapies through his nonprofit organization, the Freedom of Health Foundation. He is editor of Healthy Directions’ flagship newsletter, Health & Healing, in which he shares treatment protocols used with clinic patients. He has authored 14 books.

Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. (MD) 1933 –

“Modern cardiology has given up on curing heart disease … Present cardiovascular therapy has become a standardized error, as it does nothing to prevent disease. None of the drugs or procedures that constitute standard medical practice of cardiovascular disease treat the cause or halt its progression. In contrast, this nutrition-based program treats the cause of the disease. Family history and genetic background do not cause this illness. Genes load the gun, but improper nutrition pulls the trigger. Unfortunately, several mutually reinforcing institutional and commercial interests oppose this nutritional intervention. Every patient with this disease should be made aware of this safe, simple, enduring option to cure himself or herself. Most coronary disease need never exist, and where it does exist, it need not progress. It is my dream that one day we may entirely abolish heart disease.”

Dr. Esselstyn is an American surgeon and former Olympic rowing champion. He was educated at Case Western Reserve University, Deerfield Academy, Yale University and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

William J. McCormick (MD) 1880 – 1968

Dr. Andrew Saul (PhD) writes, “Over 50 years ago, it was Toronto physician Dr. McCormick, who pioneered the idea that poor collagen formation, due to vitamin C deficiency, was a principal cause of diverse conditions ranging from stretch marks to cardiovascular disease and cancer. In the 1940s McCormick had already noted that four out of five coronary cases in hospitals show vitamin C deficiency. This theory would become the foundation for Linus Pauling’s decision to employ large doses of Vitamin C to fight atherosclerosis.”

After graduating from the University of Toronto Medical School in 1906, McCormick founded and directed The High Park Sanitarium in West Toronto, Canada. In 1922 he retired from this position and devoted himself to private practice and vitamin research. He wrote many medical papers on vitamin therapeutics. For his research he was made a member of the American Academy of Applied Nutrition.

Dr. John Cooke (MD, PhD)

“We have learned a great deal in the last few years about how certain nutrients, vitamins, and dietary supplements can enhance the health of blood vessels. If you are at risk for developing heart disease, or already have significant vessel damage, you need to know that you can strengthen your blood vessels with nutritional supplements – nutrients I have successfully used to repair the functioning of the heart and blood vessels in my patients.”

Dr. Cooke is the Chair of the Dept. of Cardiovascular Science at Houston Methodist Research Institute and Director of the Center for Cardiovascular Regeneration at Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center.

Roger J. Williams (PhD) 1893-1988

“When in doubt, try nutrition first … The nutritional microenvironment of our body cells is crucially important to our health, and deficiencies in this enviromnent consititute a major cause of disease.”

Dr. Williams was a Professor of Chemistry and the founder and director of the Clayton Foundation Biochemical Institute (CFBI) at the University of Texas. Williams is the discoverer of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5 ), and under his directorship, the CFBI was responsible for more vitamin related discoveries than any other laboratory in the world.

Dr. Robert H. Fletcher (MD, MSc) and Dr. Kathleen M. Fairfield (MD, DrPH)

reviewed all English language papers published on vitamins and the prevention of occlusive coronary artery disease and other conditions. They concluded that, “recent evidence has shown that suboptimal levels of vitamins, even well above those causing deficiency syndromes, are associated with increased risk of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis . . . a large proportion of the general population has less-than-optimal intakes of a number of vitamins, exposing them to increased disease risk . . . it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements . . . multivitamins, rather than individual vitamins, because multivitamins are simpler to take and cheaper than the individual vitamins taken separately and because a large proportion of the population needs supplements of more than one vitamin.”

Dr. Fletcher is Professor Emeritus of Ambulatory Care and Prevention at Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare.  He has 187 published papers.  Dr. Fairfield is Faculty Physician at the Internal Medicine Clinic within the Maine Medical Center and is a CORE Clinician Investigator.
Fairfield KM & Fletcher RH. Vitamins for chronic disease prevention in adults: scientific review. JAMA 2002; 287:3116-3126.
Fletcher RH & Fairfield KM. Vitamins for chronic disease prevention in adults: clinical applications. JAMA 2002; 287:3127-3129.

Dr. Hugh D. Riordan (MD) 1932 – 2005

“It is not a pretty picture of how the medical establishments treat their fellow physicians who are innovators … According to the latest available US Government statistics, the percentage of Americans over age 20 who are not getting even the RDA of many nutrients is appalling … the nutrient intake of America is so low in so many that it is a national scandal and a public health menace.”

As founder and director of the Riordan Clinic, Dr. Riordan insisted on 3 things: treating the whole person as a biochemically unique individual, getting to the root cause of the problem, and including good nutrition in the treatment protocol. This continues to be a primary factor in the Riordan Clinic’s success. Dr. Riordan was a recipient of the 2002 Linus Pauling Award from the American College for Advancement in Medicine, is featured in the International Who’s Who in Medicine, wrote 4 books and 79 medical journal papers.

Dr. Thomas E. Levy (MD, JD)

“Although I was not aware of the Pauling Therapy Essentials Formula produced by Save Your Heart, Inc. at the time I wrote this book, it turns out that this formula encompasses a sizeable majority of the most important supplements that I recommend, and they are combined in an easy-to-take powder form.

“I feel that most individuals, especially known heart patients, would benefit from taking this formulation.”

A graduate of Tulane University School of Medicine, Dr. Levy has been a practicing cardiologist for over 30 years.

He is board certified in both cardiology and internal medicine. He is published in many medical journals including the Journal of Advancement in Medicine, Annals of Emergency Medicine, and Alternative Medicine Review.

He has also published 9 books for the general public. In Stop America’s #1 Killer! he references 650 studies from the medical / scientific literature that prove conclusively that coronary heart disease is caused by multiple nutritional deficiencies.

And, more importantly, that it can be reversed by supplying your body with the proper nutrients in therapeutic doses.

Dr. Lendon Smith (MD) 1921 – 2001

“Vitamin C is our best defense and everyone should be on this one even before birth. Three thousand mgs daily for the pregnant woman is a start. The baby should get 100 mg per day per month of age. (The six month old would get 600 mg, the year-old gets a thousand mgs daily, the two year-old would get 2,000 mgs., etc.) If they get a disease, the immune system will have learned what to do about it, and complications will be rare. We should be working with nature. A daily dose of 2,000 to 5,000 mg would be prudent for a lifetime.”

Dr. Smith was among the first to caution against sugar, white flour, and junk food known to contribute to sickness, hyperactivity, obesity, allergies, and many illnesses in children and adults. He also argued against the use of experimental Ritalin treatment in children with ADHD proposing a good diet and nutritional supplements instead. He authored or co-authored 15 books. He appeared on the Phil Donohue Show over 20 times and The Tonight Show a record 62 times. He was awarded an Emmy for his After-School Special “My Mom’s Having a Baby.” Dr. Smith earned his M.D. in 1946 from the University of Oregon Medical School. He served as Captain in the United States Army Medical Corps from 1947–1949, went on to a pediatric residency at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in Missouri, and completed it at Portland’s Doernbecker Memorial Hospital in 1951. In 1955, Smith became Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Oregon Medical Hospital. He would practice pediatrics for 35 years before retiring in 1987 to lecture, write and continue to help make “megavitamin” a household word.

Dr. Dean Ornish (MD) 1953 –

“You can slow, stop, and even reverse the progression of heart disease … Nutrition and lifestyle can quickly reverse heart disease, allowing them to transform their lives for the better … Our studies have demonstrated that the more people changed their diet and lifestyle, the better they felt & the healthier they became. The primary determinant of the degree of improvement is not age, disease severity or genetics; it is the degree of change in their diet and lifestyle.”

In 1977 Dr. Ornish began a 20 year clinical research study showing that comprehensive nutritional and lifestyle changes could not only stop cardiovascular disease but actually reverse it. The results were published in the Lancet and the Journal of the American Medical Association. In 2008, he published research showing that nutritional and lifestyle changes affect gene expression, turning on disease-preventing genes and turning off genes that promote cancer and heart disease. He is the author of 6 books on heart disease, weight loss and the psycho-social aspects of health. He is Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute.

Dr. K. Lance Gould (MD)

“With coronary artery bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty and stent implantation, the odds would seem to favor 21st century heart patients. But not only are all of these techniques aggressive and expensive, they don’t work. They don’t correct the causes of heart disease. They don’t stop the processes that create atherosclerosis and, in most cases, they don’t help people live longer since the basic causes persist … Reversal Therapy is different. It treats the underlying causes of heart disease … Reversal Therapy can stop and roll back the progress of the disease … Not only is Reversal Therapy safer, more effective and less invasive than conventional treatments, it is far cheaper … Recent studies show that people who were put on a moderate low fat diet … showed that as many as 85% saw their heart disease either stop progressing or begin to reverse. Other studies around the world have confirmed these results … these studies have further underlined the importance of diet by showing that high fat food raises their risk of developing coronary heart disease separately from blood cholesterol levels … Reversal Therapy consists of early detection using PET scans, followed up by a regimen tailored to the individual by his doctor, of a low-fat diet, weight control by reduction of carbohydrate calories, exercise, stress management and quitting smoking. This approach is safer, far less expensive and far more effective than conventional, more invasive treatments.”

Dr. Gould currently holds the Martin Bucksbaum Distinguished University Chair (the only one in Cardiology in the University of Texas System) and is Professor and Executive Director of the endowed Weatherhead P.E.T. Center for Preventing and Reversing Atherosclerosis. He is a professor of Medicine at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston and his duties include research, teaching, daily performance of PET scans as well as his large clinical outpatient practice. In order to stick to his basic philosophy of giving each patient individual attention, he has limited his practice to only those patients with coronary artery disease who are interested in the prevention or reversal of the disease by diet and lifestyle management.

Dr. Jay N. Cohn (MD)

“Everyone should worry about the health of their endothelium and, better still, do something to protect it if it shows signs of damage. Early identification and treatment of blood vessel damage should be the preventive agenda for the new millennium.”

Dr. Cohn is Professor of Medicine at the University of Minnesota Medical School and Director of the Rasmussen Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention.

Dr. Gerald (Jerry) M. Reaven (MD) 1928 –

“Helping yourself prevent a heart attack means knowing more than your cholesterol count. Your endothelium (the lining of your blood vessels) plays a vital role in this process. It is important to know what you can do to keep this vital organ as healthy as possible.”

Dr. Reaven is Professor of Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Walter William Stoll, Jr. (MD) 1937 – 2011

“Self-education is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself, and live a healthier and happier life … The food industry profits from the (false) idea that food processing is not injurious to the nation’s health. The medical/pharmaceutical complex profits from illness; the sicker people are, the more money medical professionals make … The AMA policy is to attack any licensed physician who becomes successful [by] offering any alternatives to conventional medicine … the purpose is to wear them down … to eliminate the competition.”

In a review of Dr. Stoll’s book, Saving Yourself from the Disease Care Crisis, Dr. Andrew Saul (PhD) writes, “Saving Yourself provides a dozen chapters that address many common conditions that are difficult to cure medically but that respond well to non-drug treatment. These include colds and flu; allergies; adult and children’s behavior disorders; atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease; Crohn’s disease, IBS and ulcerative colitis; endocrine conditions; fungal overgrowth; hiatus hernia; and arthritis … The authority with which Dr. Stoll writes is effortless, based on his decades of clinical observation of what consistently works with real patients.”

Dr. Stoll graduated from Ohio State University College of Medicine in 1962, operated a solo family practice in Kenton, Ohio from 1962-1973, relocated to Lexington, KY where he was a founding professor of the Physician Assistant Program at the University of Kentucky from 1973-1976, founded the Holistic Health Care Center and served as medical director from 1976-1989, was a founding member of the American Holistic Medical Association (1978), and operated a solo practice in Wellness Medicine from 1989-1993. He retired in 1994 and authored three books. A strong advocate of preventive medicine and patient education, Dr. Stoll maintained an interactive health education website from 1986 to the time of his death.

Ready To Save Your Heart?

If you have been looking for a way to reduce your risk of heart disease, lower your cholesterol, get your blood pressure under control and ultimately Save Your Heart, then the Pauling Therapy is for you! The Pauling Therapy Essentials Formula is an easily dissolvable powder that you can mix with water or juice. It comes with its own scoop so you can easily measure the proper dose. One jar, taken as recommended, will last one month.

So, what are you waiting for? Order the Pauling Therapy today and see for yourself why so many others are already using this amazing formula for a healthier cardiovascular system. We look forward to hearing from you and how the Pauling Therapy has worked for you!