Health Heart - An Effective Approach to Clean Arteries

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It is nothing new to my family. Two of my uncles have had bypass surgery because of clogged arteries and plaque build-up and at the age of 55, my mother had a heart attack. After having a long talk with my Uncle Ray one night about the importance of good health, he made me a challenge I have determined to not take lightly. He challenged me to take better care of my heart than he had taken of his. Uncle Ray’s challenge really got me to thinking about the importance of heart health and my thinking got me to researching. As I thought about the subject of heart health, I began researching too. I dove into all sorts of medical literature, searching and reading everything I could find on the matter of heart health. My initial research led to the same old basic information that most everyone knows about helping your heart such as: loosing weight, eating right, and of course, exercising. But as I delved further into my research, I found the results of another researcher - Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Matthias Rath. What I learned from their discoveries was astonishing and quite frankly – life saving!

Dangerous Plaque Build-up & Causes

These doctors determined that plaque accumulation or build-up on the interior lining of the arteries is a result of mechanical stress. The arteries are flexible and work very hard, opening and closing every single time the heart beats. The closer the artery is to the heart, the harder it works and the more stressful it can be. Oftentimes, over time this so-called mechanical stress can cause tears on the interior lining of the arteries. When this happens to a healthy person, the body naturally heals itself. But to someone whose body is lacking certain nutrients, the lesions can cause severe problems. Health Heart Without the proper nutrition the body cannot produce collagen and other important substances that are necessary to repair the torn places in the arteries. Therefore, your body will do the next best thing by grabbing whatever it can find floating around in the bloodstream and make a patch to put over the tear and prevent the artery from leaking. This serves the purpose periodically, but over time the patches get thicker and cause what is known as plaque build-up and can end up blocking the arteries. With the proper nutrition, however, the body can produce collagen and repair the lesions. Those who get the proper nutrients in their diet can eliminate plaque build-up and reduce their risk of heart disease. A great number of people who think they are getting the proper nutrients because they eat a healthy diet of vegetables and fruit are really not getting all that is needed to prevent heart disease. Many times these people end up with serious heart problems. This is because many of the fruits and vegetables sold today are treated with modern fertilizers and pesticides that prevent the produce from producing adequate nutrients. Dr. Pauling’s research showed that when people are administered the proper amounts of certain nutrients, the body will be able to function correctly to help prevent heart disease.

Health Heart - Try a Therapy that Works!

These key discoveries are what led me, along with a team of PhDs in nutrition, and Douglas Laboratories to come up with the Pauling Therapy Essentials Formula – a nutritional supplement that incorporates all the nutrients necessary to keep arteries healthy, strong, flexible, and free of plaque build-up. So if you would like to reduce your chance of heart disease, reduce or eliminate plaque build-up from your arteries and ultimately save your heart, contact us today by calling 1-800-280-5302. We guarantee, you’ll be glad you did!