5 Easy Heart Healthy Guidelines by AHA

Now that all the Holidays are over, it’s time to get right back on track and kick off 2013 with a healthy diet routine specifically targeted for a healthier heart.

The American Heart Association has released five heart healthy resolutions that any woman can easily follow and incorporate into their lifestyles. Males out there need not fret, these tips can be applied on men’s lifestyles as well.

  • Drink more water –H2O is key factor in a healthy diet as it lowers calories you’ve consumed.
  • Consume more produce – AHA encourages everyone to keep their fridges stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables to munch on.
  • Limit processed foods – Avoid these foods which are filled with salt and all kinds of preservatives.
  • Consume more fiber – Add an extra dose of legumes and grains into your diet.
  • Eat seasonally – Try out seasonal produce at your nearby farmer’s market.