Ray Ellis

Angina Reduced by 90% with Lifestyle Changes Alone

Dr. Dean Ornish published a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association back in 1998 that showed that people with angina can reduce their angina paid by 90% just by making prudent lifestyle changes. Forty-eight patients with moderate to severe coronary heart disease were randomized to an intensive lifestyle change group or to… Read More…

Blueberries are Good for your Heart and Arteries

WebMD’s director of nutrition Kathleen Zelman calls blueberries a “powerhouse” that tops her list of healthy fruits. Lisa Hark, PhD, co-author of Nutrition for Life: The No-Nonsense, No-Fad Approach to Eating Well and Reaching Your Healthy Weight, says, “Blueberries are not only delicious but are also rich in antioxidants.” Studies conducted at the USDA Human… Read More…

Chinese Diet and Heart Disease

Chinese Adults are less susceptible than white adults to age-related endothelial dysfunction.[1]  One hypothesis to explain this is that the Chinese consume more vegetables and fish.  The authors of a study published in Athersclerosis [2] report, “Our finding suggest that vegetarian diets, by themselves, have a direct beneficial effect on vascular endothelial and smooth muscle… Read More…

Can Statin Drugs Actually Stimulate the Growth of Plaque?

A study published in Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology revealed that statin drugs may actually stimulateatherosclerosis and heart failure.   There were several physiological mechanisms discussed in the study that show how statin drugs may make your heart health worse:   Inhibit vitamin K2 function:Vitamin K2 protects your arteries from calcification. Without it, plaque levels… Read More…

Butter is Good For You

Remember when the Powers-That-Be told you that butter is bad for you and that you should use margarine made from linoleic acid-based,polyunsaturated vegetable oils instead? Those Powers-That-Be should be apologizing to you! Researchers recovered a huge controlled trial—dating between 1968 and 1973—conducted by the University of Minnesota, which tested whether dietary interventions could reduce the… Read More…

Are Vitamins Good For You?

Recently researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research issued a report saying that vitamin supplements are “probably useless” when it comes to preventing heart disease and/or cancer. Since this ran contrary to my own research, I read the report in full and came to the conclusion that the researchers at Kaiser Permanente had… Read More…