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How to Deal with Common Workout Dilemmas

There are just so many circumstances, even imagined ones, that can convince us to simply cancel our workout plans for the day. However, most of our dilemmas, such as skipped meals, hot weather and hectic schedules, are actually quite easy to resolve. This article answers 5 of people’s most common questions when it comes to… Read More…

Tips to Maintain a Healthy Heart

Heart disease is almost always the cause of one out of three deaths all over the world. Diet and lifestyle changes play big roles in fighting the disease. There are a lot of simple steps to ensure that your heart is healthy such as avoiding stress. Stress is a terrible “silent factor” for making the… Read More…

Factors That Lead to Cardiovascular Disease

Many risk factors are linked to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Most people develop cardiovascular disease because of poor lifestyle and dietary choices. The number of gene-related factors for CVD is only 5% or less with the burden of activating the risk placed on lifestyle and personal choices. Heart disease is caused by bad habits… Read More…

Research Shows Association Between Being Heart Healthy and Staying Cancer-Free

If you’re doing your best to live a heart-healthy lifestyle, then you have a lower risk of developing cancer also. A recent study by the American Heart Association showed that people who are practicing healthy heart habits have a lower chance of developing cancer to as much as 38%. Cardiovascular disease and cancer are the… Read More…

How your Heart Works at 200mph

How does the human heart react to the most extreme forms of stress? Through the use of sports science technology, three varying riders at the International North West 200 motorbike festival placed this question to test. The competitors were fitted with a heart strap and a wireless sensor in order to measure their heart rate… Read More…

Lifestyle Changes Can Protect Your Heart

Johns Hopkins researchers led a study which has found a link between lifestyle factors and cardiovascular health, providing more evidences in support of following a Mediterranean-style diet, regular exercise, maintaining a normal weight, and quitting smoking. According to researchers, these four lifestyle behaviors will help protect you against heart diseases as well as early buildup… Read More…