heart disease treatment

How your Heart Works at 200mph

How does the human heart react to the most extreme forms of stress? Through the use of sports science technology, three varying riders at the International North West 200 motorbike festival placed this question to test. The competitors were fitted with a heart strap and a wireless sensor in order to measure their heart rate… Read More…

Lifestyle Changes Can Protect Your Heart

Johns Hopkins researchers led a study which has found a link between lifestyle factors and cardiovascular health, providing more evidences in support of following a Mediterranean-style diet, regular exercise, maintaining a normal weight, and quitting smoking. According to researchers, these four lifestyle behaviors will help protect you against heart diseases as well as early buildup… Read More…

Healthy Breakfast for the Heart

For a healthy way to start your day, make sure that your breakfast has the right amount of protein, fresh fruits and veggies, and healthy carbohydrates. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it should take up a quarter of your daily calories. Split your breakfast plate into three parts. One part… Read More…

Pills Against Alzheimer’s Also Work Against Cardiovascular Diseases

In a recent study conducted by scientists from Umea University in Sweden it has been found that individuals taking potent pills prescribed for the suppression of Alzheimer’s also have a higher chance of avoiding cardiovascular complications. The researchers studied 7,000 persons with Alzheimer’s and have found that among them, individuals who take drugs such as donepezil… Read More…

Proven Ways to Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

Life is basically all about the choices we make and the risks involved. If you decide to cross a busy street, you know there is a risk of meeting an accident or getting hit by a vehicle but being alert and looking both ways could reduce the risk. A heart disease is similar in some… Read More…

Importance of Replenishing Our Electrolytes

Electrolytes create the electrical charges needed to regulate normal heart beats, making it necessary for us to continually replenish them. Though we may think that drinking lots of water is what’s best after heavy exercises, doing so flushes out the said essential salts which make it more important to take in nutrients that provide them…. Read More…