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Can I Tell My Customers The Truth?

After my customers have been on The Pauling Therapy for some time, the often call me and say, “I feel great!” Inevitably what comes next is, “Can I stop taking my prescription medicine now?” I respond with, “I can’t tell you to stop taking your medicine.  You have to discuss that with your doctor.” I have… Read More…

Avocado Helps Lower the Risk of Heart Disease

A team of researchers from the University of California has published a study about eating avocado and burger and its effect on one’s healthy. The study had proved that consuming half of a fresh avocado with a burger may counteract the protein IL-6. For many decades, the avocado has been found to be damaging to… Read More…

Sleep Position That Boost Heart Health

Did you know that sleeping or lying down in certain positions can have particular effects on our internal organs? This gives us a whole new perspective when it comes to sleeping – from just a form or putting our bodies and mind at rest to a practice that can boost our bodily functions. If you’re… Read More…

Amazing Facts You Didnt Know About Your Heart

Behold; eight facts that make the human heart extraordinarily amazing: 1. Your heart works so hard, it’s intense When you come to think of it, your heart is pretty diligent about keeping you alive and kicking. It began to beat four weeks after you were conceived, and does the most physical work among all the… Read More…

Powerful Foods to Protect the Heart

The secret to staying heart-healthy is to live a healthy lifestyle. Some of the risk factors of heart problems include obesity and hypertension. These factors can be modified by altering your lifestyle. Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet, take plenty of exercises regularly, and submit yourself to an annual checkup especially as you age. There… Read More…

Fish Oil Helps Improve Heart Health

According to the Australian authors of one literature review, there exists “strong and consistent evidence” that depression and social isolation promote Cardiovascular Disease or CVD. However, with or without these conditions, everyone should always be conscious about keeping their cardio healthy. There’s little doubt that fish and their special omega 3-fatty acids help deter heart… Read More…