heart disease treatment

Health Tips: Avoid Heart Disease Risks

Being exposed to various natural and man-made factors and certain human behavior can lead to the weakening of one’s heart, which may then lead to various cardiovascular complications. The best way to prevent this from happening is by avoiding all these factors and behaviors. Here are some of the things that one must avoid to… Read More…

Superfoods for Your Heart

Deaths due to heart problems have dropped in recent years, but it is still the No.1 killer of Americans. Healthy eating and lifestyle choices can make a huge difference. Did you know that there are superfoods for your heart? Foods such as salmon, oatmeal, dark chocolate, soy, nuts and legumes are notably good for the… Read More…

Habits That Could Cause Heart Problems

The heart is one of the most vital organs in the body and it is responsible for pumping blood and delivering the nutrients that your body needs to function correctly. But there are dangerous habits that could take their toll on our hearts. Sometimes, we don’t realize this until the problem gets worse. Having a… Read More…

Watermelon and Its Many Health Benefits

Watermelon and watermelon juice are not only delicious treats for the summer. This summer delight also has many health benefits according to studies. According to a latest research, drinking watermelon juice before a rigorous workout can help reduce an athlete’s heart rate. It also soothes sore muscles because watermelon is rich in L-citrulline which is… Read More…

Healthy Gums: A Sign of a Healthy Heart

Researchers have linked periodontal disease with thicker carotid arteries, which may be a sign of stroke and heart attack. Researchers at the Columbia University found that people with higher amounts of four types of bacteria caused by periodontal disease had thicker arteries. The team measured bacteria levels in the mouths of 657 people who have… Read More…

Simple Tips to Stay Heart Healthy

To reduce the risk of suffering from heart-related problems, there are simple lifestyle changes that you can do to stay healthy: It is important to exercise regularly to reduce your risk of suffering from heart diseases. Yoga is an example of a good exercise. According to BBC News, research supports the idea that yoga could… Read More…